Usher Ministry
“All are Welcome in This Place.”
As a greeter/Usher, you strive to make all who come into our church feel welcome.
Guidelines for Ushers:
Tour our new church to locate the bathrooms, water fountains, large meeting room, daily chapel, wheelchair locations, and collection room.
Arrive 15 minutes early for ushering. Locate the lead usher and tell them you are available to assist them. The lead usher is a “veteran” usher and will guide you. We are not scheduling ushers but are encouraging ushers to be available during the Mass they attend. Five to six ushers should be utilized for each Mass.
Dress appropriately, business casual.
Ensure the collection baskets, bulletins, and any other handouts are in the proper places before Mass.
Greet people as they enter. Greet children and teens as well as adults. Consider yourself the “Welcome Wagon”!
Attend to newcomers. Introduce yourself and welcome them to the parish. Offer newcomers directions to the drinking fountains or the restrooms. Introduce newcomers to parish staff or parish regulars to help them get acquainted.
Seat latecomers toward the back of church to avoid distracting others. Don’t allow latecomers to take seats while the scripture is being proclaimed, the homily is being preached, or the people are praying. Wait until an appropriate break.
Offer assistance to parishioners when needed. Be alert to emergencies.
Maintain safety and security in the back of the church. Be aware of children that go to the bathroom and water fountains.
During the 10:00 Mass, direct children to the “Liturgy of the Word” in the daily chapel.
Take up the collection at the end of the General Intercessions after Father says to the congregation to be seated. Pass out baskets, two per section. Pick up baskets and place contributions in the offertory basket for the lead usher. Two ushers will bring up collection and place in the offertory drop (located on the right side of the altar, around the corner).
Help keep order at communion. Encourage people to go to communion by rows (front to back).
After Mass, as needed, direct people to the parish hall for coffee or to the appropriate areas for receptions, sign-up sheets, and other parish business.
Open the church doors for the congregations’ departure only after the recessional has actually begun.
Pick up litter or any personal items accidentally left behind after the Mass.
Remain open to new ideas and keep looking for ways to perform your ministry more graciously and effectively.
Thanks again for being involved in YOUR church community! If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the church office at 707-447-2354.